Source code for mpbn

This module provides a simple implementation of Most Permissive Boolean Networks
(MPBNs) for computing reachability properties, attractors, reachable attractors.
Attractors of MPBNs are the *minimal* trap spaces of the underlying Boolean maps.
See and for technical details.

It relies on clingo Answer-Set Programming solver

Examples are available at

Quick example:

>>> mbn = mpbn.MPBooleanNetwork({
        "a": "!b",
        "b": "!a",
        "c": "!a & b"})
>>> list(mbn.attractors()) # minimal trap spaces
[{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 1}, {'a': 1, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}]
>>> mbn.reachability({'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 1}, {'a': 1, 'b': 0, 'c': 0})
>>> mbn.reachability({'a': 0, 'b': 0, 'c': 0}, {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1})
>>> list(mbn.attractors(reachable_from={'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 0}))
[{'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 1}]

import os
import sys
from colomoto import minibn

from boolean import boolean
import clingo
sys.setrecursionlimit(max(100000, sys.getrecursionlimit()))

__asplibdir__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "asplib"))

clingo_options = ["-W", "no-atom-undefined"]
if hasattr(clingo, "version") and clingo.version() >= (5,5,0):

def aspf(basename):
    return os.path.join(__asplibdir__, basename)

def _clingo_domrec(mod, limit=0, project=False, extra_opts=[]):
    s = clingo.Control(clingo_options + extra_opts)
    s.configuration.solve.models = limit
    if project:
        s.configuration.solve.project = 1
    s.configuration.solve.enum_mode = "domRec"
    s.configuration.solver[0].heuristic = "Domain"
    s.configuration.solver[0].dom_mod = f"{mod},{16 if project else 0}"
    return s

def clingo_subsets(**opts):
    return _clingo_domrec(5, **opts)
def clingo_supsets(**opts):
    return _clingo_domrec(3, **opts)

def clingo_exists():
    s = clingo.Control(clingo_options)
    s.configuration.solve.models = 1
    return s

def clingo_enum(project=True, limit=0):
    s = clingo.Control(clingo_options)
    if project:
        s.configuration.solve.project = 1
    s.configuration.solve.models = limit
    return s

def s2v(s):
    return 1 if s > 0 else -1
def v2s(v):
    return 1 if v > 0 else 0

def is_dnf_unate(ba, f):
    pos_lits = set()
    neg_lits = set()
    def is_lit(f):
        if isinstance(f, ba.Symbol):
            return True
        if isinstance(f, ba.NOT) \
                and isinstance(f.args[0], ba.Symbol):
            return True
        return False

    def is_clause(f):
        if is_lit(f):
            return True
        if isinstance(f, ba.AND):
            for g in f.args:
                if not is_lit(g):
                    return False
            return True
        return False

    def test_monotonicity():
        both = pos_lits.intersection(neg_lits)
        return not both

    if f in [ba.TRUE, ba.FALSE]:
        return True
    if is_clause(f):
        return test_monotonicity()
    if isinstance(f, ba.OR):
        for g in f.args:
            if not is_clause(g):
                return False
        return test_monotonicity()
    return False

def circuitasp_of_boolfunc(f, i, ba):
    atoms = []
    fid = clingo.String(i)
    def encode(expr):
        if expr == ba.TRUE:
            nodeid = "(constant,1)"
        elif expr == ba.FALSE:
            nodeid = "(constant,-1)"
        elif isinstance(expr, ba.Symbol):
            nodeid = f"(var,{clingo.String(expr.obj)})"
            nodeid = f"n{id(expr)}"
            if isinstance(expr, ba.NOT):
                nodetype = "neg"
            elif isinstance(expr, ba.AND):
                nodetype = "and"
            elif isinstance(expr, ba.OR):
                nodetype = "or"
                raise NotImplementedError(type(expr))
            for child in expr.args:
                cid = encode(child)
        return nodeid
    root = encode(f)
    return "\n".join(atoms)

DEFAULT_ENCODING = "mixed-dnf-bdd"
SUPPORTED_BOOLFUNCLIBS = ["aeon", "pyeda"]

[docs] class MPBooleanNetwork(minibn.BooleanNetwork): """ Most Permissive Boolean Network Extends ``colomoto.minibn.BooleanNetwork`` class by adding methods for computing reachable and attractor properties with the Most Permissive update mode. """ supported_encodings = [ "unate-dnf", "bdd", "circuit", "dnf-bdd", "mixed-dnf-bdd", "force-unate-dnf"] dnf_encodings = ["dnf-bdd", "unate-dnf", "force-unate-dnf", "mixed-dnf-bdd"] nonpc_encodings = ["circuit"] def __init__(self, bn=minibn.BooleanNetwork(), auto_dnf=True, simplify=False, try_unate_hard=False, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, boolfunclib=DEFAULT_BOOLFUNCLIB): """ Constructor for :py:class:`.MPBoooleanNetwork`. :param bn: Boolean network to copy from :type bn: :py:class:`colomoto.minibn.BooleanNetwork` or any type accepted by :py:class:`colomoto.minibn.BooleanNetwork` constructor :param bool auto_dnf: if ``False``, turns off automatic DNF transformation of local functions :param str boolfunlib: library to use for Boolean function manipulation among ``"aeon"`` (default) or ``"pyeda"``. Default can be overriden with ``MPBN_BOOLFUNCLIB`` environment variable. Examples: >>> mbn = MPBooleanNetwork("network.bnet") >>> bn = BooleanNetwork() >>> bn["a"] = ".."; ... >>> mbn = MPBooleanNetwork(bn) """ assert encoding in self.supported_encodings assert boolfunclib in SUPPORTED_BOOLFUNCLIBS self.auto_dnf = auto_dnf and encoding in self.dnf_encodings self.encoding = encoding self.try_unate_hard = try_unate_hard self._simplify = simplify self._is_unate = dict() self._boolfunclib = boolfunclib __boolfunclib_symbols = ( "make_dnf_boolfunc", "bddasp_of_boolfunc", ) self._bf_impl = __import__(f"mpbn.boolfunclib.{boolfunclib}_impl", fromlist=__boolfunclib_symbols) super(MPBooleanNetwork, self).__init__(bn) def __setitem__(self, a, f): """ Assigns the Boolean function ``f`` to component ``a``. Unless :py:attr:`.auto_dnf` is ``False``, ``f`` is converted into DNF form first. """ if isinstance(f, str): f = f = self._autobool(f) if self.auto_dnf: f = self._bf_impl.make_dnf_boolfunc(, f, simplify=self._simplify, try_unate_hard=self.try_unate_hard) a = self._autokey(a) if self.encoding in self.dnf_encodings: self._is_unate[a] = is_dnf_unate(, f) if self.encoding == "unate-dnf": assert self._is_unate[a], f"'{f}' seems not unate. Try simplify()?" return super().__setitem__(a, f) def asp_of_bn(self, encoding=None): if encoding is None: encoding = self.encoding def clauses_of_dnf(f): if isinstance(f, boolean.OR): return f.args else: return [f] def literals_of_clause(c): def make_literal(l): if isinstance(l, boolean.NOT): return (l.args[0].obj, -1) else: return (l.obj, 1) lits = c.args if isinstance(c, boolean.AND) else [c] return map(make_literal, lits) def encode_dnf(f): facts = [] for cid, c in enumerate(clauses_of_dnf(f)): for m, v in literals_of_clause(c): facts.append(" clause(\"{}\",{},\"{}\",{}).".format(n, cid, m, v)) return facts facts = [] for n, f in self.items(): facts.append("node(\"{}\").".format(n)) if encoding in ["unate-dnf", "force-unate-dnf"]: f_encoding = "dnf" elif encoding == "dnf-bdd": f_encoding = "dnf" if self._is_unate[n] else "bdd" else: f_encoding = encoding if f == f = False elif f == f = True if isinstance(f, bool): facts.append("constant(\"{}\",{}).".format(n, s2v(f))) elif f_encoding == "dnf": facts.extend(encode_dnf(f)) elif f_encoding == "bdd": facts.append(self._bf_impl.bddasp_of_boolfunc(, f, n)) elif f_encoding == "mixed-dnf-bdd": facts.extend(encode_dnf(f)) if self._is_unate[n]: facts.append(f"unate(\"{n}\").") else: facts.append(self._bf_impl.bddasp_of_boolfunc(, f, n)) elif f_encoding == "circuit": facts.append(circuitasp_of_boolfunc(f, n, return "".join(facts) def _file_eval(self): if self.encoding == "circuit": f = aspf("eval_circuit.asp") elif self.encoding == "mixed-dnf-bdd": f = aspf("eval_mixed.asp") else: f = aspf("mp_eval.asp") return f def rules_eval(self): f = self._file_eval() with open(f, "r") as fp: return def load_eval(self, solver): f = self._file_eval() solver.load(f) def assert_pc_encoding(self): assert self.encoding not in self.nonpc_encodings, "Unsupported encoding" def asp_of_cfg(self, e, t, c): facts = ["timepoint({},{}).".format(e,t)] facts += [" mp_state({},{},\"{}\",{}).".format(e,t,n,s2v(s)) for (n,s) in c.items()] facts += [f"1 {{mp_state({e},{t},N,(-1;1))}} 1 :- node(N)."] #facts += [" 1 {{mp_state({},{},\"{}\",(-1;1))}} 1 :- node(N).".format(e,t,n) # for n in self if n not in c] return "".join(facts)
[docs] def reachability(self, x, y): """ Returns ``True`` whenever the configuration `y` is reachable from `x` with the Most Permissive update mode. Configurations can be partially defined. In that case, returns ``True`` whenever there exists a configuration matching with `y` which is reachable with at least one configuration matching with `x` :param dict[str,int] x: initial configuration :param dict[str,int] y: target configuration """ self.assert_pc_encoding() s = clingo_exists() self.load_eval(s) s.load(aspf("mp_positivereach-np.asp")) s.add("base", [], self.asp_of_bn()) e = "default" t1 = 0 t2 = 1 s.add("base", [], self.asp_of_cfg(e,t1,x)) s.add("base", [], self.asp_of_cfg(e,t2,y)) s.add("base", [], "is_reachable({},{},{}).".format(e,t1,t2)) s.ground([("base",[])]) res = s.solve() return res.satisfiable
def _ground_rules(self, ctl, rules): rules = "\n".join(rules) ctl.add("base", [], rules) ctl.ground([("base",[])]) def _fixedpoints(self, reachable_from=None, constraints={}, limit=0): e = "fp" t2 = "fp" rules = [self.asp_of_cfg(e, t2, constraints)] rules.append(f"mp_reach({e},{t2},N,V) :- mp_state({e},{t2},N,V).") rules.append(f":- mp_state({e},{t2},N,V), mp_eval({e},{t2},N,-V).") rules.append(self.asp_of_bn()) if reachable_from: self.assert_pc_encoding() t1 = "0" rules.append(open(aspf("mp_positivereach-np.asp")).read()) rules.append(self.asp_of_cfg(e,t1,reachable_from)) rules.append("is_reachable({},{},{}).".format(e,t1,t2)) rules.append(f"#show. #show fixpoint(N,V) : mp_state({e},{t2},N,V).") rules.append(open(aspf("mp_eval.asp")).read()) project = reachable_from and set(self.keys()).difference(reachable_from) s = clingo_enum(limit=limit, project=project) self._ground_rules(s, rules) return s
[docs] def fixedpoints(self, reachable_from=None, constraints={}, limit=0): """ Iterator over fixed points of the MPBN (i.e., of f) :param dict[str,int] reachable_from: restrict to the attractors reachable from the given configuration. Whenever partial, restrict attractors to the one reachable by at least one matching configuration. :param dict[str,int] constraints: consider only attractors matching with the given constraints. :param int limit: maximum number of solutions, ``0`` for unlimited. """ s = self._fixedpoints(reachable_from=reachable_from, constraints=constraints, limit=limit) for sol in s.solve(yield_=True): x = {n: None for n in self} data = sol.symbols(shown=True) for d in data: if != "fixpoint": continue (n, v) = d.arguments n = n.string v = v.number v = 1 if v == 1 else 0 x[n] = v yield x
[docs] def count_fixedpoints(self, reachable_from=None, constraints={}, limit=0): """ Returns number of fixed points :param dict[str,int] reachable_from: restrict to the attractors reachable from the given configuration. Whenever partial, restrict attractors to the one reachable by at least one matching configuration. :param dict[str,int] constraints: consider only attractors matching with the given constraints. :param int limit: maximum number of solutions, ``0`` for unlimited. """ s = self._fixedpoints(reachable_from=reachable_from, constraints=constraints, limit=limit) return sum((1 for _ in s.solve(yield_=True)))
def _trapspaces(self, reachable_from=None, subcube={}, limit=0, mode="min", exclude_full=False): self.assert_pc_encoding() rules = [] rules.append(self.asp_of_bn()) rules.append(self.rules_eval()) rules.append(open(aspf("mp_attractor.asp")).read()) rules.append("#show attractor/2.") e = "__a" t2 = "final" if exclude_full and not subcube: rules.append(f"{{ mp_reach({e},{t2},N,(-1;1)): node(N) }} {len(self)*2-1}.") if reachable_from: t1 = "0" rules.append(open(aspf("mp_positivereach-np.asp")).read()) rules.append(self.asp_of_cfg(e,t1,reachable_from)) rules.append("is_reachable({},{},{}).".format(e,t1,t2)) rules.append("mp_state({},{},N,V) :- attractor(N,V).".format(e,t2)) for n, b in subcube.items(): if isinstance(b, str): b = int(b) if b not in [0,1]: continue rules.append(":- mp_reach({},{},\"{}\",{}).".format(e,t2,n,s2v(1-b))) project = reachable_from and set(self.keys()).difference(reachable_from) solver = clingo_subsets if mode == "min" else clingo_supsets s = solver(limit=limit, project=project) self._ground_rules(s, rules) return s def _yield_trapspaces(self, *args, star="*", **kwargs): s = self._trapspaces(*args, **kwargs) for sol in s.solve(yield_=True): attractor = {n: None for n in self} data = sol.symbols(shown=True) for d in data: if != "attractor": continue (n, v) = d.arguments n = n.string v = v.number if v == 2: v = star else: v = 1 if v == 1 else 0 if attractor[n] is not None: if star is not None: attractor[n] = star else: del attractor[n] else: attractor[n] = v yield attractor def _count_trapspaces(self, *args, **kwargs): s = self._trapspaces(*args, **kwargs) return sum((1 for _ in s.solve(yield_=True)))
[docs] def attractors(self, reachable_from=None, constraints={}, limit=0, star='*'): """ Iterator over attractors of the MPBN (minimal trap spaces of the BN). An attractor is an hypercube, represented by a dictionnary mapping every component of the network to either ``0``, ``1``, or ``star``. :param dict[str,int] reachable_from: restrict to the attractors reachable from the given configuration. Whenever partial, restrict attractors to the one reachable by at least one matching configuration. :param dict[str,int] constraints: consider only attractors matching with the given constraints. :param int limit: maximum number of solutions, ``0`` for unlimited. :param str star: value to use for components which are free in the attractor """ return self._yield_trapspaces(reachable_from=reachable_from, subcube=constraints, limit=limit, star=star, mode="min")
minimal_trapspaces = attractors def maximal_trapspaces(self, limit=0, subcube={}, star="*", exclude_full=True): return self._yield_trapspaces(subcube=subcube, limit=limit, star=star, mode="max", exclude_full=exclude_full)
[docs] def count_attractors(self, reachable_from=None, constraints={}, limit=0): """ Returns number of attractors of the MPBN (minimal trap spaces of the BN). :param dict[str,int] reachable_from: restrict to the attractors reachable from the given configuration. Whenever partial, restrict attractors to the one reachable by at least one matching configuration. :param dict[str,int] constraints: consider only attractors matching with the given constraints. :param int limit: maximum number of solutions, ``0`` for unlimited. """ return self._count_trapspaces(reachable_from=reachable_from, subcube=constraints, limit=limit, mode="min")
count_minimal_trapspaces = count_attractors
[docs] def count_maximal_trapspaces(self, reachable_from=None, constraints={}, limit=0): """ Returns number of attractors of the MPBN (minimal trap spaces of the BN). :param dict[str,int] reachable_from: restrict to the attractors reachable from the given configuration. Whenever partial, restrict attractors to the one reachable by at least one matching configuration. :param dict[str,int] constraints: consider only attractors matching with the given constraints. :param int limit: maximum number of solutions, ``0`` for unlimited. """ return self._count_trapspaces(reachable_from=reachable_from, subcube=constraints, limit=limit, mode="max")
def has_cyclic_attractor(self): for a in self.attractors(): if "*" in a.values(): return True return False
[docs] def reachable_from(self, x, reversed=False): """ Returns an iterator over the configurations reachable from ``x`` with the Most Permissive update mode. Configuration ``x`` can be partially defined: in that case a configuration is yielded whnever it is reachable from at least one configuration matching with ``x``. Whenever ``reversed`` is ``True``, yields over the configurations that can reach `x` instead. """ self.assert_pc_encoding() s = clingo_enum() self.load_eval(s) s.load(aspf("mp_positivereach-np.asp")) s.add("base", [], self.asp_of_bn()) e = "default" t1 = 0 t2 = 1 s.add("base", [], self.asp_of_cfg(e,t1,x if not reversed else {})) s.add("base", [], self.asp_of_cfg(e,t2,{} if not reversed else x)) s.add("base", [], "is_reachable({},{},{}).".format(e,t1,t2)) t = t2 if not reversed else t1 s.add("base", [], "#show." \ f"#show mp_state(E,T,N,V) : mp_state(E,T,N,V), E={e}, T={t}.") s.ground([("base",[])]) def cfg_of_asp(atoms): return {a.arguments[2].string: v2s(a.arguments[3].number) for a in atoms} for sol in s.solve(yield_=True): data = sol.symbols(shown=True) yield cfg_of_asp(data)
[docs] def dynamics(self, update_mode="mp", **kwargs): """ Returns a :py:class:`networkx.DiGraph` object representing the transitions between the configurations using the Most Permissive update mode by default. See :py:meth:`colomoto.minibn.BooleanNetwork.dynamics`. """ if update_mode in ["mp", "most-permissive"]: update_mode = MostPermissiveDynamics return super().dynamics(update_mode=update_mode, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(filename, **opts): """ Create a :py:class:`.MPBooleanNetwork` object from ``filename`` in BoolNet format; ``filename`` can be a local file or an URL. """ return MPBooleanNetwork.load(filename, **opts)
[docs] class MostPermissiveDynamics(minibn.UpdateModeDynamics): def __init__(self, model, **opts): if not isinstance(model, MPBooleanNetwork)\ and isinstance(model, minibn.BooleanNetwork): model = MPBooleanNetwork(model) super().__init__(model, **opts) def __call__(self, x): return self.model.reachable_from(x)
__all__ = ["load", "MPBooleanNetwork", "MostPermissiveDynamics"]